Who we are

Our Pandemic Peeps


Full Kode

We are more than a t-shirt shop clothing brand. We are the brand! The brand of healthcare workers who put the needs of the world before our own every single day. Yep, at times we all find time to gripe and complain about the mountain of BS we deal with everyday. No matter how hard we try to give the best of care to our patients there seems to be a perpetual flow of BS that tends to always get in the way. Yet, we push through anyway. Besides, our patients...these are our people, our families, and our community. Who else are we gonna trust to care for them? Regardless of legislations, insurance policies, hospital policies, and every other entity that operates in the black and white, patient care often happens in the gray. Our responsibility to care for and be the bedside life guardians of someone's loved one, is often times met with a huge tower of stress in the frequent environment of minimal staff, supplies, and subpar working conditions. Yet we come back everyday and push through anyway. There is a family-like love between us healthcare workers, a unique camaraderie that bands us together through thick and thin. No better display of that band than that during the pandemic.

So yes...we healthcare workers are the brand, and not just another t-shirt shop. We are your fellow comrades who happens to love illustrating our often crazy, hilarious, and peculiar world on some awesome threads.

Our name "Full Kode" was carefully decided on due to the synonymous understanding amongst every member in healthcare with the term "full code". When we hear the term "full code" we ALL understand that it's "ALL IN" to do whatever it takes to save a life within our own unique scopes of practice. So, because of our unique nature to go "ALL IN"  and "Balls to the Wall" in the most intense, and high stress environments, Full Kode seemed to be the perfect embodiment and avatar for who are.

The Healthcare Hero Unwritten Full Code

1. Resilience: Probably our most amazing quality is our ability to take tremendous blows to the mind and body and then possess the freakish nerve to stand back up and face it all again. The insurmountable stress and pain from countless feats and tragic losses never seems to starve out the unquenchable hunger and thirst for victory to save a life.

2. High Self-efficacy: Our stubborness grit and self confidence that sometimes gets us into the trouble is our weapon of choice as we lay waste the tasks and challenges that stand in our way.

3. Compassion: The heart and soul of our calling to care for others as we fulfill our duty of being a light to them submerged in their darkest moments.

4. Versatility: One of our most unique and underrated qualities especially as nurses. Due to the often inconsistent nature of our work, we have an innate ability to multitask, improvise, and adapt to a constantly changing environment i.e. "National shortage of supplies", "Unsafe patient ratios", "Wearing many hats when the other hats aren't being hired or found" just to name a few. This is probably our most sought after and sometimes overused quality.

4. Camaraderie: In the trenches where fierce battles are waged, some won and some lost, happen at the bedside of our most valuable entity...our patient. It is here where intricate connections are formed that bands us together transforming us from colleagues to comrades.